I started using knitr with reStructuredText today and I found that the syntax highlighting with pygments (used by rst2html.py
) was not as nice as the output of pandoc. So I ended up doing some monkeypatching.
Try adding the following to rst2html.py
# SLexer is the lexer used for R from pygments.lexers.math import SLexer from pygments.token import Keyword, Name # monkey patching SLexer ... # add some builtin functions (TODO: add more) SLexer.tokens['keywords'].append( (r'(?<![A-Za-z0-9_-])(c|library)(?=\()', Name.Builtin)) # treat all names in front of a parenthesis as function names SLexer.tokens['keywords'].append( (r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]+(?=\s*\()', Name.Function)) # parameter names inside function calls/definitions SLexer.tokens['root'].insert(0, (r'(?<=[\(,])\s*[a-z]+\s*(?==)', Name.Attribute))
Note: I assume you already added pygments’ rst-directive.py to rst2html.py
Tags: knitr, pygments, rst, rst2html.py